What is the Dual Diploma?
La Salle Manlleu presents its students the possibility to enrol in the Diploma Dual (Dual Diploma program) by means of the renowned organization Academica Corporation, which is the main North American institution of education planning and management, the head premise of its charter schools being Miami-based (Florida). The whole project englobes more than 100.000 students, 4.000 teachers and 200 schools.
By following the presential baccalaureate studies in La Salle Manlleu and the North American high school studies as an online extracurricular course, it is possible to obtain both qualifications. The Dual Diploma programme may be started at the beginning of 2nd year of ESO (Secondary School education) and it concludes once the students have passed six compulsory subjects, which represent a 25% of the North American high school curriculum. The 75% remaining credits are validated by passing the ones corresponding to the Catalan high school (baccalaureate/12th Grade) curriculum.
Besides a remarkable improvement of level in English, the Dual Diploma provides students with an outstanding personal autonomy and agility in relation to the use of new technologies. Students are expected to think and work in English, they enjoy the chance to communicate with native teachers on a daily basis and take part in live sessions with other classmates. On the other hand, they can attend a face-to-face session at school with their tutor in order to solve doubts or queries, work on their assignments and participate in oral activities.
At the end of their studies, the Dual Diploma students gain the same qualification as the American High School students, which is recognised in all the States and in all American universities. What is more, they will be able to officially qualify their level of English with Oxford University (Universitat d’Oxford) at La Salle Manlleu.
The Dual Diploma is achievable because the North American education system assesses students in terms of knowledge and skills. Therefore, in order to obtain the American High School Diploma, Dual Diploma students validate subjects like Math or Science, which are common to both systems and they only have to study the specific credits that are intrinsic to the American high school curriculum.
English I |
English II |
American Goverment & Economics |
US History |
Life Management Skills |
Electives |
Economic conditions
The Dual Diploma has become a success for the students of our school who committed themselves to their studies, resolving to make an effort so as to meet new learning objectives. Thus, our institution has determined that their engagement will be supported by providing conditions and advantages (condicions i avantatges) in order to help students complete the dual certification programme, which will be maintained for new students who begin these studies the following school year.