

La Salle Manlleu: ISO 9001 certification

This distinction, which was awarded in 2010 and is periodically re-certified, is based on the Quality-Management System (QMS). This means that La Salle Manlleu consistently aims to meet students’ and families’ requirements and it ensures a continual improvement of all the processes which are employed in the school. Our quality policy strives for excellence by pursuing the following objectives:

  1. Satisfy needs and expectations in accordance with the mission of the school
  2. Define a vision which is unfolded by formulating a strategy that materializes with the planning of objectives
  3. Build an educational community with competent human resources who are knowledgeable of the school’s Mission, Vision and Values
  4. Ensure a holistic education, which allows students to grow spiritually, morally, academically, physically and socially, always following Christian values while continuously improving procedures and services
  5. Take corrective action whenever non-conformities within the educational service arise in accord with the PEC (Centre Educational Project)
ISO 9001

The scope of the Quality Policy concerns on the one hand, the offer of educational services regarding the formal regulated levels, namely ESO (Secondary Education), Batxillerat (Sixth Form), Formació Professional de Grau Mig i Superior (basic to advanced Vocational Studies) and on the other hand, the education in values according to Lasallian pedagogy. Nonetheless, it doesn’t concern independent bodies such as AMPA (parent association), Cefortem, and so forth.